Murcia (Spain). February, 2017
In February of 2017, we presented “Walkability City Tool Tourism Placemaking” in the First Conference about Smart Destinations organized by The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in Murcia, Spain.
A very interesting Conference where we attended multiple roundtables covering a wide variety of topics in relation with smart destinations.
- Innovation as a lever of change in tourism
- The creative destination
- “Resilience” as a central attribute of the smart destination / BIG DATA
- Smart destination with focus on the relationship between the citizen and the visitor
- Innovative startups´ applications for smart destinations
- UnionPay: the global electronic payments brand preferred by Chinese tourists
- Shopping tourism: opportunities for the sustainable economic development of smart destinations
- Destinations face the challenge of accessibility
- Environmental sustainability as a model for change
- The system of intelligence tourist: efficiency by knowledge
- The region of Murcia becoming a smart destination
- The new digital traveler
- Digital accessibility
- Destinations facing up the challenge of the innovation
- Connecting sensors and data: opportunities and challenges
- Building smart tourist attractions. The management of natural and cultural heritage sites
- Focus on quality: ensuring local and visitors satisfaction
- New companies, new models
- Exploration and practice of XiXi National Wetland Park as smart tourist attraction
- BIG DATA: transforming the tourist sector into the digital era
- Smart destinations: building the future
- The challenge of multimodality
- The role of entrepreneurs: new visions, new opportunities
- Tourism as driver for territorial economic development
- Smart destinations fostering the sustainable management of resources
In the closing it was the reading of UNWTO Outcome Document on Smart Destinations.
Click here to read the Communication.