The Sustainable Development Goals SDG establish goals for public and private organizations to be reached before 2030 . The objective is clear, it is a universal call in order to end poverty, take care the planet and ensure that all the people enjoy peace and prosperity.
The goal of the Project “SMEs and SDG” is to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) so that they can introduce real and important changes in their internal structures and in their policies, offering an analysis or diagnosis on the level of implementation and contribution of the company to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), established by the 2030 Agenda, approved by 193 countries members of the United Nations in September 25, 2015. Thanks to its participation, SUMA-USC, has a certification granted by COPADE Fundation.
For all these reasons, we assume the commitment to add efforts in order to reach each of these goals, generating a positive impact in the society.
Links to webpages of interest: Fundación COPADE , Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), Red Española para el Desarrollo Sostenible y Pacto Mundial