SUMA-Urban Sustainability Consultants and PVT have launched “Eco-Smartcity: European technology at the service of Chinese cities”
SUMA and PVT constitute an alliance in order to sell their products and services in China: the Eco-Smartcity project. PVT (Pavimentos de Tudela) is a Navarran company specialized in the development of solutions in the field of sustainable construction, especially with decontaminating products. The alliance of these two companies makes it possible to analyze the walking infrastructure and the urban morphology of Asian cities, incorporating data on traffic flows and pollution.
Eco-Smartcity has been one of the projects selected by ICEX to participate in the Spain-China 2017 Investment and Business Cooperation Forum, within one of the sectors chosen as priorities for the call: that of sustainable cities.
The purpose of the forum is to facilitate Spanish companies identifying investment opportunities and business cooperation, as well as potential partners in China, helping to promote, consolidate and strengthen the presence of our country’s companies in this market.